What Does Taking a Bath in Apple Cider Vinegar Do

woman pampering herself in bathtub

Apple cider vinegar has become a big buzzword in the skincare and wellness industry lately. Many people have been using apple cider vinegar as a cleansing drink to reap the many health benefits apple cider vinegar has on your health. But, have you ever considered taking a bath in apple cider vinegar? In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about taking a bath in apple cider vinegar.

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Benefits of Bathing in Apple Cider Vinegar

It turns out, apple cider vinegar is more than just a kitchen staple and can be great for your skin. There are many health benefits to apple cider vinegar baths that can help improve your skin and help prevent ailments. If you’re considering adding apple cider vinegar baths to your self-care and skin routine, it’s important to know about the benefits and effects it can have on your skin. Here are a few of the benefits that come from bathing in apple cider vinegar.

1. It’s an exfoliant

Instead of spending your money on expensive high-end exfoliants — why not add apple cider vinegar into your skincare routine? Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural exfoliant for your skin. It contains alpha hydroxy acids that can help naturally exfoliate the skin. After taking a bath in apple cider vinegar, you might notice you have smoother skin and fewer razor bumps. Apple cider vinegar can make for a great addition to your holy grail skin care products.

2. It can help prevent dandruff

It turns out you may not have to invest in special shampoos to help you get rid of pesky dandruff. When you take a bath in apple cider vinegar, scrub your scalp with the water to help remove any dandruff from your scalp. Apple cider vinegar can balance your scalp’s pH and help to retain moisture in your scalp, which in turn prevents dandruff. It’s also made of antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which attack the fungal properties of dandruff.

3. It soothes dry skin

Fortunately, moisturizers aren’t the only skincare product that can help those struggling with dry skin. If you have dry or irritated skin, apple cider vinegar can help soothe and relieve it. Apple cider vinegar can restore the proper pH levels of your skin. Your skin should be slightly acidic in order to better retain moisture and since apple cider vinegar is acidic, it can help keep your skin moisturized, glowing, and free from dry spots.

People with skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can benefit greatly from taking an apple cider vinegar bath. Those with eczema tend to have higher skin pH levels than those with don’t suffer from the skin condition. The pH-balancing power of an apple cider vinegar bath can lower the skin’s pH level and reduce the inflammatory TH2 response from eczema. An acv bath can help you naturally control eczema flare-ups.

Before you decide to take a bath in apple cider vinegar, make sure that you don’t have any open cuts, wounds, sores, or sunburn as it can be quite painful.

4. It can help with acne

Are you tired of struggling with acne? If your skin is prone to acne, an apple cider vinegar bath can cleanse and soothe your skin. Apple cider vinegar will dry out the excess oil in your skin which helps fight bacteria and acne. It has antibacterial properties which can help prevent Propionibacterium acnes – the bacteria that causes breakouts. Most of these bacteria thrive on alkaline which is high pH in the skin, so by taking an acv bath you can help bring down your skin’s pH and balance the natural barrier to protect against acne breakouts.

Not only can an acv bath help reduce acne, but it can also work as an excellent home treatment for warts. Apple cider vinegar has antiviral properties that may be able to heal warts. Some even say it works like salicylic acid which is a standard treatment that dissolves warts over time. Although there is a lack of evidence that proves apple cider vinegar can help with warts, many people use it as an anti-wart remedy.

5. It can remedy bad body odor

Taking an apple cider vinegar bath can also neutralize body odor because of its antifungal and antiseptic properties. If you struggle with bad foot odor or body odor and are looking for a natural home remedy to help fix it– an acv bath may be the perfect solution for you.

6. It can help fight fungal infections

Another benefit of bathing in acv is that it can help treat fungal infections on the skin. A recent study found that apple cider vinegar can kill several infectious germs like Candida albicans, which is a common cause of fungal infections. Although there still needs to be more research done to support this claim, many people stand by apple cider vinegar baths as a go-to treatment for fungal infections.

7. It can diminish the appearance of wrinkles

Instead of splashing out on expensive skin treatments, you can use apple cider vinegar as a natural home remedy to prevent wrinkles on the body. If you have creases and wrinkles on your body – like your neck and arms, apple cider vinegar can help diminish their appearance. Those who have skin with a high pH have higher chances of wrinkling skin as more acidic skin has less wrinkle formation. Apple cider vinegar can lower skin pH which can make your skin less prone to wrinkling and creasing.

How to Prepare an Apple Cider Vinegar Bath Soak

Preparing an apple cider vinegar bath is straightforward and only takes a few simple steps. When it comes to preparing an apple cider vinegar bath soak, you don’t need to use very much apple cider vinegar to create the perfect soak mix. It’s essential that you dilute the apple cider vinegar as it is very acidic, and too much can cause skin irritation rather than help soothe it. If you suffer from sensitive or irritated skin, you may want to use less apple cider vinegar for your first bath, and be cautious if you already use many exfoliating products.

Start off with half a cup to one cup of apple cider vinegar for your first bath. Take an acv bath no more than two or three times per week, to avoid any skin irritation or negative side effects. If you’re not a huge fan of the smell or want to soothe your joints or muscles, you can add Epsom salt into the bath. Soak in the bath for at least 30 minutes and rinse off thoroughly afterward. Avoid rinsing with soap, as this will strip away the pH-balancing benefits acv provides for your skin.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a natural remedy to help you soothe, exfoliate, and clear up your skin – taking an apple cider vinegar bath can be the solution you’ve been looking for. Start with a small amount of apple cider vinegar for your first bath to see how your skin reacts and always consult a dermatologist before using a home remedy like apple cider vinegar on your skin.

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